Brief Description
The Old Town of Lijiang, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site, has retained a historic townscape of high quality and authenticity. Its architecture is noteworthy for the blending of elements from several cultures that have come together over many centuries. Lijiang also possesses an ancient water-supply system of great complexity and ingenuity that still functions effectively today.
The Old Town of Lijiang, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site, has retained a historic townscape of high quality and authenticity. Its architecture is noteworthy for the blending of elements from several cultures that have come together over many centuries. Lijiang also possesses an ancient water-supply system of great complexity and ingenuity that still functions effectively today.
Justification for Inscription
The Committee decided to inscribe this site on the basis of cultural criteria (ii), (iv) and (v). Lijiang is an exceptional ancient town set in a dramatic landscape which represents the harmonious fusion of different cultural traditions to produce an urban landscape of outstanding quality.
譯文: 古老的麗江鎮,完全適應這個商業關鍵和戰略性場所的參差不齊的地形學, 已經保留進階品性和真實性的有歷史意義的城鎮風景, 值得注意它的建築為元素從一而來很多世紀結束的幾種文化的調和。麗江也擁有一古老給水仍然起作用,成為今天巨大複雜性和機敏的有效系統。